Tác giả :
      - During the opening ceremony of the new academic year 2014 - 2015, the college received 887.900 million scholarship funding from domestic and foreign enterprises. This is also the time of highest concentration of domestic and foreign enterprises to participate in the process contribute to student learning. Last week, a delegation of the Teikyo University, Japan and union HAMK University, Finland.

The sponsors of the scholarship ceremony

Union University Tekyo - Japan working with School

   - Coke festival attracts thousands of school students participate in a dynamic environment with active outdoor recreation. Movement in response to years of voluntary youth movement in 2014 and "5 good students". When the program has finished more than 400 thousand kcal burned, 10kcal equivalent to 1 thousand dollars to support the poor.

Photographs festival Cocacola School campus

      - Economics Department organized a training course with soft skills content to improve the quality of CV in the eyes of employers. In the process of implementing CV students often make many mistakes about: contact name, too flashy, rambling posts, etc. In addition, there is the personal sharing with multiple OL effective content: Brain Building imprint mark, focusing on core competencies, maintain Cv Online, linkedin, FB Acts efficient parallel ...

Photographs Cv writing skills class economics department

      - The opening ceremony of the Youth car wash shop - PV Oil Company has ended, open the 10-day promotional package from 20-30% with staff, students School. This is done with the cooperation of Union University. Activity links are desired to be held more strongly in observing practice knowledge that students are studying for careers related to lubricants, automotive engineering technology, motorcycles.

Last week, at the Great Hall was held recruitment company C & K Glass Company Malaya and Vietnam.
Duc Tho
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