Công ty Bosch hiện đang có chương trình Junior Managers program. Các bạn nào có nhu cầu đổi việc sau mùa dịch, thay vì gởi trực tiếp tới công ty, hãy gửi CV cho bạn GamDo (email : gamdothi@gmail.com). Bạn sẽ gởi CV giúp, mua cà phê, support nhiệt tình 😀.
What is the JMP Program?
The Junior Managers Program (JMP) defines the worldwide standardized management entry program (trainee program) to attract highly qualified university graduates and young professionals with management potential in order to cover the future need for managers on national level
• Vietnamese nationality
• Excellent academic achievements. Having 1 to 5 years of experience in embedded systems development, Automation, Tools & automotive technologies
• At least 3 month international experience (for studying, interning or working)
• Good Communication, negotiations & conflict management skills
• Leadership potential and an entrepreneurial mindset
Ngoài JMP program, còn rất rất nhiều vị trí khác nữa tại link sau: